Thursday, June 12, 2008

Will McCain capitalize on Obama's liberalism?... No,

If we had anyone in this race who could even remotely be called a conservative, I think this race could be very different. Maybe even a slam dunk for the republicans. But John McCain is focusing on being a maverick republican and an independant.

I would love for someone to find for me an example of when a member of a party won the presidency by actively throwing his party under the bus, trashing the base of the party and by trashing President Bush every chance he gets. Not only that, but he does so using liberal and democratic party talking points.

What is McCain thinking? Does he think that by running against the republican party he can avoid the "Bush's 3rd Term" tag? Well he can't. So he better stop acting like trashing Bush is the way to win as a Republican Party candidate. I've got news for McCain: I would rather vote for President Bush again that vote for McCain. I truely believe that if Bush had been allowed to run again he would have beaten McCain in the primaries. I also have a slightly insane belief that President Bush could beat Obama.

McCain needs to stop trashing President Bush over the economy, Hurricane Katrina, and energy policy. President Bush may have low approval numbers, but he is not hated. Not in the Republican party anyway; if McCain wants to have any chance of winning he better stop trashing Republicans, conservatives and President Bush every chance he gets and start focusing on Obama.

You know, I too can be a maverick Republican. I don't have to vote for McCain just because I happen to be a Republican. We can all be maverick Republicans Mr. McCain, maybe then you'll see what its like to be abandoned by people who were ostensibly on your side.

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