Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Obama vs. McCain ready?

John McCain has made a career of being a "maverick" Republican and an "independent". This has usually meant drastically differing from republicans and conservatives and throwing them under the bus. He's had some success, and the media has lavished him with praise for being willing to work with the "other side."

I hope he's ready for what's about to come. This is the moment that conservative pundits have been predicting for months now. They've been saying that when there is finally a Democratic Party nominee, the gloves are going to come off. They might preface their comments about McCain with acknowledging his war record... but they will quickly transition into DESTROYING him. I don't think McCain has any idea what is about to hit him from Obama, the Democratic Party, and the media. Very soon now, he is going to move from being a "reasonable, independant" into a hateful, bigoted, racist, sexist, homophobe ultra partisan hack. He will be portrayed as evil and stupid, old and feeble.

McCain has gotten caught up in the idea of running an honorable campaign. If he doesn't figure out soon that the opposition is not going to treat him honerably then he is going to get creamed. They are going to turn on him so quick his head is going to spin, and I hope he's ready.

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