Friday, June 6, 2008

Obama in His Own Words

OBAMA: John McCain has spent a lot of time talking about trips to Iraq in the last few weeks, but maybe if he spent some time taking trips to the cities and towns that have been hardest hit by this economy cities in Michigan and Ohio and right here in Minnesota -- he'd understand the kind of change that people are looking for.

What? What does that even mean? So... are we supposed to believe that John McCain doesn't know that there are people suffering around the world? Are we supposed to believe that he doesn't understand that the economy is in a slump? What? Your running for President Sir, you've been railing against the surge since it was first proposed. And now its working, even Nancy Pelosi is admitting, albeit with her own spin, that the surge is working... And yet, you refuse to admit that and haven't visited the troops that your railing against.

OBAMA: Maybe if you went to Iowa and let the student who works the night shift after a full day of class and still can't pay the medical bills for a sister who's ill, he'd understand she can't afford four more years of a health care plan that only takes care of the healthy and the wealthy.

What? I think conservatives... and to a lesser extent, John McCain, are aware that some people struggle to afford their medical bills. That doesn't mean we think the federal government, the same government that can't do anything right... should be running the healthcare industry. We think that increased economic freedom will allow prices to come down and allow more people to afford their bills.
What country has he been living in anyway? What is Medicare, what is Medicaid, what is the SCHIP program? Are these not programs to help the poor pay their medical bills. This is insulting, sir. The truth is the country is already going bankrupt trying to fund just these programs and yet the liberals want to do even more to bankrupt our grandchildren. Our fear sir, is that you seem hell bent on sacrificing our health care system at the alter of liberalism.

OBAMA: Maybe -- maybe if John McCain went to Pennsylvania and he met the man who lost his job but can't even afford the gas to drive around and look for a new one, he'd understand we can't afford four more years of our addiction to oil from dictators.

Hello!? Can we drill our own oil? No, not according to the liberals! Can we build new refineries? NO! Can we build new power plants? NO. Excuse me Senator, but who are you to complain about high gas prices when you and your party have done everything in their power to stop this country from getting more energy?

OBAMA: And maybe if John McCain spent some time in the schools of South Carolina or St. Paul, Minnesota -- or where he spoke tonight in New Orleans, Louisiana -- he'd understand that we can't afford to leave the money behind for No Child Left Behind. And maybe if Obama was honest with himself he would admit that we spend TONS of money on and in schools. The problem is that schools have gotten away from the fundamentals. Instead of teaching kids to read, write, and do math we now teach them about sex, global warming, conflict resolution, sociology, and various other liberal tenants that dilute the basics of school.

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