Wednesday, June 18, 2008

President Bush Endorses Drilling

Finally, someone in the Republican Party is having the courage to stand up and endorse drilling for more oil in this country. Finally, a leader is going to stand up against all this environmentalist, Democrat Party nonsense that drilling for oil is not going to make gas cheaper.

I pray, I really do that President Bush has the testicular fortitude to stick this out and to continue to advocate this until the end of his term. There are going to be bullets coming from everywhere about this. Environmentalists are going to say thats its bad for the world if we drill, despite the fact that China, thats right, CHINA is drilling 60 miles off our shores. They are going to say that we won't get any of this oil for 10 years, which is a silly statement. They are going to say we need to invest in alternative sources of energy. Fine.

This country can drill for oil cleaner and more efficiently that any other country, so why should the burden be on China and OPEC and the rest. Why should China be drilling for more oil off our shores, but not us? So what if it takes a few years to bring the oil to market. Someone has to do it. If the worldwide supplies of oil remain stagnant while the worldwide thirst for oil skyrockets, the prices are going to continually go up and up and up. We need to invest in alternative forms of energy, fine, go do it. If there's a company out there who thinks they can make money by selling hydrogen powered cars, fine. Do it. If there's a company who thinks they can make money with wind farms to generate electricity. Fine, go do it. That's what America is all about. But lets not kid ourselves into thinking that we are not going to be using oil, because we are. Oil is going to be used for decades and decades and decades, even if there are alternatives because the alternatives alone are not going to be able to solve the problem. If we covered the entire country with corn farms we would not be able to produce enough ethanol to power all the cars in this country, so don't tell me that alternatives are the only thing we need to focus on. Especially since cars are not the only thing we have that use oil for fuel.

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