Monday, June 2, 2008

Obama quits his church...

For the last two or three months, Obama has face questions about his home church, Trinity United. His former pastor said some terrible things. At first, Obama said he had never heard these types of things before and that he still supported Rev. Wright. Some people in the media defended him to, claiming the things he had been saying were taken out of context.

Then, his pastor went in front of the National Press Club and took questions from the media... and pretty much repeated and expanded on the controversial comments. So, Obama had to denounce the Rev. Wright. Questions persisted about what he really heard during his 20 year time at the church, but the official line was that he had never heard anything like this.

Now, last week a guest pastor said more controversial things and openly blasted Hillary Clinton in church. What is the deal? Why would they do this, don't they know their man Obama is trying to be president here? Why are they blasting Clinton in church on Sunday at all, nevermind that they are hurting Obama.

So, now Obama has resigned his membership from Trinity United.
But, again, the question is what really went on at this church while he was there. I mean, if this church has no problem, and in fact praises extreme comments on Sunday. So are we really supposed to believe that Obama didn't hear any of this stuff while he went there.

My prediction is that the next thing we hear from the Obama camp about this is that he really didn't go to church all that often and he only joined the church for political connections because its a "super" church and he was trying to quickly put roots into the Chicago community so he could start his political career. This issue is not going away, even now that he's resigned.

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