Thursday, June 26, 2008

This Just In: Freedom Does Reign in America!

Yes, its true. I was feeling kinda tense about it for a good half hour or so while I was listening to the radio on the way home, but the Supreme Court managed to do something right. In its hearing of the Washington D.C. Gun Ban, it upheld the rights of individuals to own guns in a 5-4 decision.
I haven't read the decision yet because it literally just came out. But a 5-4 decision? C'mon, this should have been 9-0 or at least 8-1. The 2nd Amendment specifically talks about the rights of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms. Its going to be very interesting to see how this plays out in D.C. as a city... and inside the beltway with the politicians in Congress and the two Presidential Candidates.

I'm sure there are going to be stories in the coming weeks and months of D.C. residents buying loads of guns. Ah.... freedom smells good in the morning.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

President Bush Endorses Drilling

Finally, someone in the Republican Party is having the courage to stand up and endorse drilling for more oil in this country. Finally, a leader is going to stand up against all this environmentalist, Democrat Party nonsense that drilling for oil is not going to make gas cheaper.

I pray, I really do that President Bush has the testicular fortitude to stick this out and to continue to advocate this until the end of his term. There are going to be bullets coming from everywhere about this. Environmentalists are going to say thats its bad for the world if we drill, despite the fact that China, thats right, CHINA is drilling 60 miles off our shores. They are going to say that we won't get any of this oil for 10 years, which is a silly statement. They are going to say we need to invest in alternative sources of energy. Fine.

This country can drill for oil cleaner and more efficiently that any other country, so why should the burden be on China and OPEC and the rest. Why should China be drilling for more oil off our shores, but not us? So what if it takes a few years to bring the oil to market. Someone has to do it. If the worldwide supplies of oil remain stagnant while the worldwide thirst for oil skyrockets, the prices are going to continually go up and up and up. We need to invest in alternative forms of energy, fine, go do it. If there's a company out there who thinks they can make money by selling hydrogen powered cars, fine. Do it. If there's a company who thinks they can make money with wind farms to generate electricity. Fine, go do it. That's what America is all about. But lets not kid ourselves into thinking that we are not going to be using oil, because we are. Oil is going to be used for decades and decades and decades, even if there are alternatives because the alternatives alone are not going to be able to solve the problem. If we covered the entire country with corn farms we would not be able to produce enough ethanol to power all the cars in this country, so don't tell me that alternatives are the only thing we need to focus on. Especially since cars are not the only thing we have that use oil for fuel.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Will McCain capitalize on Obama's liberalism?... No,

If we had anyone in this race who could even remotely be called a conservative, I think this race could be very different. Maybe even a slam dunk for the republicans. But John McCain is focusing on being a maverick republican and an independant.

I would love for someone to find for me an example of when a member of a party won the presidency by actively throwing his party under the bus, trashing the base of the party and by trashing President Bush every chance he gets. Not only that, but he does so using liberal and democratic party talking points.

What is McCain thinking? Does he think that by running against the republican party he can avoid the "Bush's 3rd Term" tag? Well he can't. So he better stop acting like trashing Bush is the way to win as a Republican Party candidate. I've got news for McCain: I would rather vote for President Bush again that vote for McCain. I truely believe that if Bush had been allowed to run again he would have beaten McCain in the primaries. I also have a slightly insane belief that President Bush could beat Obama.

McCain needs to stop trashing President Bush over the economy, Hurricane Katrina, and energy policy. President Bush may have low approval numbers, but he is not hated. Not in the Republican party anyway; if McCain wants to have any chance of winning he better stop trashing Republicans, conservatives and President Bush every chance he gets and start focusing on Obama.

You know, I too can be a maverick Republican. I don't have to vote for McCain just because I happen to be a Republican. We can all be maverick Republicans Mr. McCain, maybe then you'll see what its like to be abandoned by people who were ostensibly on your side.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Obama is a 1960's liberal, will McCain capitalize?.... lets face it, probably not.

Barack Obama is a huge, huge, ultra liberal/populist. He wants to increase taxes, increase spending, and drastically increase the role of government in the lives of everyday people. If we only had a true conservative... or even a moderate conservative running against him who could capitalize on how liberal Obama is..., but we don't. We have McCain, who is basically Obama-lite.

The last few days Obama and McCain have been taking shots at each other and linking each other to past presidents. Obama wants to characterize McCain as being the 3rd Bush Term, and so McCain has decided to push back by calling him Jimmy Carter's 2nd Term. Hmm... lets discuss shall we?

Barack Obama:

"We were promised a fiscal conservative, and instead we got the most fiscally irresponsible administration in history." - Barack Obama in a speech on the economy yesterday.

Oh. My. God. Is a democrat actually complaining about fiscal responsibility? Part of this is the old Democratic Party saw that there was a five trillion dollar surplus at the end of the Clinton Administration that has now gone up in smoke. C'mon Mr. Obama. That surplus was on paper only, projected out for 20 years in the future and assuming huge economic growth each year with no down turns in the economy. Please. But your right, Bush has been fiscally irresponsible. We started a whole new entitlement program with Medicaid Part D and we drastically increased spending across the board.

But is the Democratic Party really one to complain? Especially Barack Obama. This is a party that is ready to pay for everything for everyone. How many trillions is universal healthcare going to cost? How many trillions and how many new powerful agencies will have to be created for all this climate change and health care and everything else? Haven't the other liberal gold standards of Social Security and Medicare already put this country 60 trillion dollars in debt? Oh, thats right, they have.

"That’s why I’ve called for another round of fiscal stimulus, an immediate $50 billion to help those who’ve been hit hardest by this economic downturn"

Wow, just a few paragraphs after talking about fiscal responsibility this guy decides to take credit for the stimulus package and then calls for another one. Oh goody, another loan to ourselves. All these politicians act like they are just giving us money out of the goodness of their hearts, as if they someone had to work for the money. Its our money you jerk! Money that we basically have to pay back to the government next year and the year after. And for those of us who are very well employed, we are basically loaning our fellow citizens money, so why are you acting like your so great for supporting it?

"I’ve called for the immediate creation of a $10 billion Foreclosure Prevention Fund to provide direct relief to victims of the housing crisis. We’ll also help those who are facing foreclosure refinance their mortgages so they can stay in their homes at rates they can afford."

Wow, another spending proposal. How 'bout that huh? Now he wants the government to save people from lost their mortgage. This is just so wrong. A lot of people were speculating in the market and got caught. A lot of people were basically renters because they were paying interest only loans and didn't even have equity in the house. Some people bought way too much house that they couldn't have afforded. I've been saving for a house for years. I could have done something dumb like a lot of these people, but I'm patient and I've been waiting. Waiting for prices to drop like they are right now as people sell their homes. But now, this Senator wants to take my tax money and actually prevent the market system from working. He's going to take my money and those of other responsible people and basically use it to make it harder for us to get a house again by keeping prices high and ensuring that people stay in homes they probably should never have bought.

"We will give every American the chance to get the same kind of health care that Members of Congress give themselves"

Good lord. How many trillions of dollars is that going to cost. We've already bankrupted our children and grandchildren. I guess Obama wants to bankrupt a few more generations down the line.

"I’ll make oil companies like Exxon pay a tax on their windfall profits,"

Oh. Okay. So, thanks for raising our costs Obama. This will only make oil companies produce less oil domestically, decreasing our supply and companies of any type always pass on their taxes to the consumers because... ahem, we are the only place they get money from.

"We will not privatize Social Security, we will not raise the retirement age, and we will save Social Security for future generations by asking the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share."

Good grief. What country has Obama been living in? The top 50% of wage earners pay 96% of the federal taxes. Maybe we should stop demonizing the rich. Has Obama not heard that Social Security as it is currently structured is trillions of dollars in the whole? What is so wrong with us keeping our own money and investing it or spending it as we see fit. Especially since the supposed Social Security Trust Fund has been raided for decades and all of the money is basically gone.

"every single proposal that I’ve made in this campaign is paid for – because I believe in pay-as-you-go" Yes. we'll pay as he goes and does whatever he wants in the name of liberalism.
I feel thats enough for now. I'll talk about McCain tomorrow...

Friday, June 6, 2008

Obama in His Own Words

OBAMA: John McCain has spent a lot of time talking about trips to Iraq in the last few weeks, but maybe if he spent some time taking trips to the cities and towns that have been hardest hit by this economy cities in Michigan and Ohio and right here in Minnesota -- he'd understand the kind of change that people are looking for.

What? What does that even mean? So... are we supposed to believe that John McCain doesn't know that there are people suffering around the world? Are we supposed to believe that he doesn't understand that the economy is in a slump? What? Your running for President Sir, you've been railing against the surge since it was first proposed. And now its working, even Nancy Pelosi is admitting, albeit with her own spin, that the surge is working... And yet, you refuse to admit that and haven't visited the troops that your railing against.

OBAMA: Maybe if you went to Iowa and let the student who works the night shift after a full day of class and still can't pay the medical bills for a sister who's ill, he'd understand she can't afford four more years of a health care plan that only takes care of the healthy and the wealthy.

What? I think conservatives... and to a lesser extent, John McCain, are aware that some people struggle to afford their medical bills. That doesn't mean we think the federal government, the same government that can't do anything right... should be running the healthcare industry. We think that increased economic freedom will allow prices to come down and allow more people to afford their bills.
What country has he been living in anyway? What is Medicare, what is Medicaid, what is the SCHIP program? Are these not programs to help the poor pay their medical bills. This is insulting, sir. The truth is the country is already going bankrupt trying to fund just these programs and yet the liberals want to do even more to bankrupt our grandchildren. Our fear sir, is that you seem hell bent on sacrificing our health care system at the alter of liberalism.

OBAMA: Maybe -- maybe if John McCain went to Pennsylvania and he met the man who lost his job but can't even afford the gas to drive around and look for a new one, he'd understand we can't afford four more years of our addiction to oil from dictators.

Hello!? Can we drill our own oil? No, not according to the liberals! Can we build new refineries? NO! Can we build new power plants? NO. Excuse me Senator, but who are you to complain about high gas prices when you and your party have done everything in their power to stop this country from getting more energy?

OBAMA: And maybe if John McCain spent some time in the schools of South Carolina or St. Paul, Minnesota -- or where he spoke tonight in New Orleans, Louisiana -- he'd understand that we can't afford to leave the money behind for No Child Left Behind. And maybe if Obama was honest with himself he would admit that we spend TONS of money on and in schools. The problem is that schools have gotten away from the fundamentals. Instead of teaching kids to read, write, and do math we now teach them about sex, global warming, conflict resolution, sociology, and various other liberal tenants that dilute the basics of school.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Obama vs. McCain ready?

John McCain has made a career of being a "maverick" Republican and an "independent". This has usually meant drastically differing from republicans and conservatives and throwing them under the bus. He's had some success, and the media has lavished him with praise for being willing to work with the "other side."

I hope he's ready for what's about to come. This is the moment that conservative pundits have been predicting for months now. They've been saying that when there is finally a Democratic Party nominee, the gloves are going to come off. They might preface their comments about McCain with acknowledging his war record... but they will quickly transition into DESTROYING him. I don't think McCain has any idea what is about to hit him from Obama, the Democratic Party, and the media. Very soon now, he is going to move from being a "reasonable, independant" into a hateful, bigoted, racist, sexist, homophobe ultra partisan hack. He will be portrayed as evil and stupid, old and feeble.

McCain has gotten caught up in the idea of running an honorable campaign. If he doesn't figure out soon that the opposition is not going to treat him honerably then he is going to get creamed. They are going to turn on him so quick his head is going to spin, and I hope he's ready.

Monday, June 2, 2008


Obama wants to disarm and leave the US vulnerable...

Words from the Next President of the United States:

"OBAMA: As president, I will end misguided defense policies and stand with Caucus for Priorities in fighting special interests in Washington. First, I'll stop spending $9 billion a month in Iraq. I'm the only major candidate who opposed this war from the beginning -- and as president, I will end it. Second, I will cut tens of billions of dollars in wasteful spending. I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems. I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development of future combat systems, and I will institute an independent defense priorities board to ensure that the Quadrennial Defense Review is not used to justify unnecessary spending. Third, I will set a goal of a world without nuclear weapons. To seek that goal, I will not develop new nuclear weapons; I will seek a global ban on the production of fissile material, and I will negotiate with Russia to take our ICBMs off hair-trigger alert and to achieve deep cuts in our nuclear arsenals. You know where I stand."

Are you kidding me? This is his plan for national security? Cutting spending on new weapons? You mean, like ones that will kill the enemy while protecting our soldiers and civilians? Hmmm... interesting. Cutting the funding and progress that has been made in missile defense? What do liberals have against missile defense? Its starting to work for crying out loud and they want to cut it? Whats wrong with a defensive weapon? What if Obama's buddy, the President of Iran, decides to launch a missile at us in ten years? Won't it be best for everyone if we can... shoot it down? No Nuclear weapons... is he kidding? Does he really think we're going to be able to tell the rest of the world to just get rid of all theirs? C'mon. No new weapons. So the only ones we'll have are the older, less accurate, really destructive ones as opposed to newew, more accurate, and less likely to cause total annihilation?

If we get rid of ours, whats to stop somebody else from attacking us with one? You can't get rid of it, the science to make these things is out there. Even if he did get rid of all of ours, what does he have against a missile defense shield then?

Yes, Obama... we do know where you stand.

Obama quits his church...

For the last two or three months, Obama has face questions about his home church, Trinity United. His former pastor said some terrible things. At first, Obama said he had never heard these types of things before and that he still supported Rev. Wright. Some people in the media defended him to, claiming the things he had been saying were taken out of context.

Then, his pastor went in front of the National Press Club and took questions from the media... and pretty much repeated and expanded on the controversial comments. So, Obama had to denounce the Rev. Wright. Questions persisted about what he really heard during his 20 year time at the church, but the official line was that he had never heard anything like this.

Now, last week a guest pastor said more controversial things and openly blasted Hillary Clinton in church. What is the deal? Why would they do this, don't they know their man Obama is trying to be president here? Why are they blasting Clinton in church on Sunday at all, nevermind that they are hurting Obama.

So, now Obama has resigned his membership from Trinity United.
But, again, the question is what really went on at this church while he was there. I mean, if this church has no problem, and in fact praises extreme comments on Sunday. So are we really supposed to believe that Obama didn't hear any of this stuff while he went there.

My prediction is that the next thing we hear from the Obama camp about this is that he really didn't go to church all that often and he only joined the church for political connections because its a "super" church and he was trying to quickly put roots into the Chicago community so he could start his political career. This issue is not going away, even now that he's resigned.