Saturday, May 24, 2008

When will John McCain learn to shut his MOUTH?

John McCain wants to throw conservatives and Republicans under the bus again on immigration reform.

Twice in the not too distant past the United States Senate attempted a massive immigration "reform." We all know what the story was. Congress wanted to legalize the 20 to 25 million illegal immigrants that have come here since the 1980's. Congress was supposedly going to make them pay fines of $5,000 and make them travel back to their home countries and also prove they had been working here for a certain number of years. It was sooo complicated, we all knew what it meant. It meant they would all be granted legal status and that would be it. How could we possible enforce rules about returning to a home country and making them pay $5,000 when the Congress was at the same time saying that it was impossible to know who these people were, and also they were destitute.

So, the American people said no, twice. Two different times they tried to get this thing through, but the American people flooded Congress with calls and letters. They knew, they had been told all this stuff about "reform" twice before. In 1980's with a supposedly one time only amnesty and in the 1960's with a reform led by Ted Kennedy.

Both times it was pushed back recently it had been spear headed by John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee. He wasn't exactly kind to us during the debate. As always, he threw us under the bus by basically saying that we were mean, racist, and impractical. During the debates for the Republican nomination, he said he had seen the light and knew what the American people wanted. So, many of us have tried very hard to find a way to support him. We conservatives are having arguments within ourselves about how we can cross the aisle and support John McCain. His problem is he keeps opening his mouth, making him sound more and more everyday like a Democrat and that he hasn't learned his lesson at all.

Case in Point: his recent remarks on immigration. “By the way, I think the fence is least effective,” he told executives in Milwaukee, according to a recent Vanity Fair profile. “But I’ll build the goddamned fence if they want it.” And this at a recent event with Arnuld, "We need a temporary agriculture (worker) program." "But we must enact comprehensive immigration reform."

Mr. McCain, you've got to be kidding me. How many times do we have to do this? How many times is Congress going to bring this up only to have the American people stop you? They keep talking about how we can't do this piecemeal. Why not? Why can't we secure the borders first, making it so that there aren't 50,000 people crossing the border every month; and then deal with the ones that are here. If we deal with everyone here first, the reality is that will be such a massive undertaking that they won't ever secure the border and will have to go through this again in another 20 years. Just like in in the 60's, 80's and now 2008.

Secure the border and enforce current law, the rest will take care of itself.

Thanks to and for the information and quotes.

1 comment:

Fashion Trix said...

i agree...john mccain knows nothing! how many times has he had a "slip of the tongue" while talking about al quaeda and iraq? too many i say.