Saturday, May 24, 2008

Last Boredom in Paris...

So, we rented Last Tango in Paris the other night starring Marlon Brando. I had heard of it, but really didn't know what it was about. So, it came in the mail and we noticed that it was... um hello... rated NC-17. So, that did interest me a little.... and scared me. I mean, its got Marlon Brando in it... and he's old, and its rated NC-17? Can this be good? It recieved an 81% rating on so it can't be bad, can it?

So we watched it. And it was easily one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It was boring, thats right, I said it, boring. It wasn't even sexy, it was just bizarre. Brando is not bad, but the movie is. Bad, bad, very very bad.

So please, if you ever are in desperate need of a movie to watch and your in Blockbuster and see this thing sitting on the shelf... just keep walking. Better yet... run. Just leave the store and don't come back until any urge you had of renting that movie is out of your system. Its that bad.

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