Friday, May 23, 2008

Change You Can Believe In.... my butt

Words from the next President of the United States:

Obama: "We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK."

Excuse me? This is the change we're supposed to believe in? This guy is the one we've been waiting for? This is America, the land of the free, you know, free to eat and drive and heat your own home. This all comes from the faulty idea that if I buy a steak, someone somewhere is starving because of it. No sir, somebody raised that animal specifically because they knew someone like me would buy it. If they didn't think I'd buy it, they wouldn't have raised it. I didn't take food out of anyones mouth. People aren't starving in South Africa or China because I eat plenty of chicken here in America. They are starving because their governments were/are corrupt and have been for decades and have not allowed their people the kind of freedom we have here in America. No sir, me heating my apartment here does not take heat from some poor couple in Russia. The power plant that heats my house has no affect on them and would not have been built unless they thought people like me would pay for the electricity. If some poor couple in Russia doesn't have any heat because they live in third world conditions or they are too poor to afford their electricity that is because of their over bearing government that tried to rule everything about their economy, just like obama, mccain and clinton want to do.

Just wait, they might couch all the crap in "getting even" with big corporations, but hold onto your wallets because "getting even" is going to cost all of us a ton of money. You'll notice he didn't even try to pretend like he was talking about Big Corporations, he was talking about you and me. This government has its eyes set on trying to control everything we do. Well, I say no. When the government controls everything and regulates everything to death, then who do we turn to? Our all powerful government will have already "saved" us from Big Corporations, but where will we turn to save us from the feds?


Natalie said...
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Natalie said...

What would you have done if you were to be a president? ;o)