Sunday, May 25, 2008

Someone... could get Assasinated...

Is it possible for the presidential candidates to help themselves at all? John McCain is running around trying to make everyone think he is a Democrat, all the while there are Republicans who are fighting very hard within themselves to justify voting for him. Hillary Clinton is fighting calls for her to drop out every single day, especially from the punks over at MSNBC, and yet she is incapable of helping herself as evidenced by this comment last Friday:

"My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. You know I just, I don't understand it," she said, dismissing the idea of abandoning the race."

Hillary, you've got to be kidding. Women all over the country are trying to carry your water and making arguments every day about why you should stay in the race and how you can still win. So you go and say THIS?! C'mon, sometimes Hill, you've got to let other people help you and stop sabotaging yourself.

Now, apparently she has said this before and it didn't warrant a whole lot of notice. But somebody, somewhere had to recognize that this would catch fire at some point. When campaigns go on and on forever like this, the media is always looking for a new angle. So of course they are going to pick up on something they may not have paid attention to before. You know, just like that whole Rev. Wright thing? That was out there for a long time, but it didn't catch fire until March.

The New York Daily News had this to say about Hillary's comments:
this incident has shown Americans, “an X-ray of a very dark soul.” Please. Hello, we're talking about Hillary Clinton here. You know, of Clinton Inc? These people have always been ruthless, all you main stream media types just didn't care about it back then because it was directed at conservatives and Republicans.

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