Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Maxine Waters Reveals the Liberals True Feelings

Our wonderful Congress spent part of last week grilling oil executives about why gas is so expensive. During their appearance on May 22nd in front of a committee of the House of Representatives, Big Liberal Maxine Waters (who is a big supporter of Obama) had this to say:

WATERS: And guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be all about socialize -- uh, uh, would be about basically taking over and the government running all of your companies.
(Click the Link for the Video)
How 'bout that huh? She just threw it out there. How is this not a serious issue in America today. A US Congresswoman openly threatening a company executive to lower their prices or face nationalization by the government! This is whats really behind the problem with the federal government and congress. They think that they can run everything, even though many of them have not had a productive job in their entire life.

Health Care too expensive? Don't worry, the government can run it for you with a program designed by Congress! What, your worried because we've never been run anything successfully, much less things involving doctors and surgery and everything else? Oh, don't worry. Gas skyrocketing? We'll take care of it. Nevermind that none of us would know how to get a single drop of oil out of the ground if our lives depended on it and we have NO idea how the world market for oil works. I mean the federal government is crazy if they think they can do all this. And they are trying to do soooo much more under the umbrella of climate change.

Maxine Waters should be ashamed of herself. Do we not believe in private property anymore in this country? Those oil companies have MILLIONS of shareholders, myself included, she's just going to take our property like that? Is her middle name Hugo Chavez?

This is what liberals want, CONTROL. The government should control everything in the liberals eyes. This is why conservatives have got to stick together and make our voices heard. Federalism and limited government have got to be restored in this country before its too late.

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