Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wal-Mart, yay Capitalism...!

Yes, its true. In these desperate times of tumult, economic turmoil, rising gas prices, famine, war and natural disasters, Wal-Mart is working to save us all money... while making plenty for itself. Here's how:

Shrink the goods. Ever wonder why that cereal box is only two-thirds full? Foodmakers love big boxes because they serve as billboards on store shelves. Wal-Mart has been working to change that by promising suppliers that their shelf space won't shrink even if their boxes do. As a result, some of its vendors have reengineered their packaging. General Mills' (GIS, Fortune 500) Hamburger Helper is now made with denser pasta shapes, allowing the same amount of food to fit into a 20% smaller box at the same price. The change has saved 890,000 pounds of paper fiber and eliminated 500 trucks from the road, giving General Mills a cushion to absorb some of the rising costs.

Cut out the middleman. Wal-Mart typically buys its brand-name coffee from a supplier, which buys from a cooperative of growers, which works with a roaster - which means "there are a whole bunch of people muddled in the middle," says Wal-Mart spokeswoman Tara Raddohl. In April the chain began buying directly from a cooperative of Brazilian coffee farmers for its Sam's Choice brand, cutting three or four steps out of the supply chain.

Go locovore. Wal-Mart has been going green, but not entirely for the reasons you might think. By sourcing more produce locally - it now sells Wisconsin-grown yellow corn in 56 stores in or near Wisconsin - it is able to cut shipping costs. "We are looking at how to reduce the number of miles our suppliers' trucks travel," says Kohn. Marc Turner, whose Bushwick Potato Co. supplies Wal-Mart stores in the Northeast, says the cost of shipping one truck of spuds from his farm in Maine to local Wal-Mart stores costs less than $1,000, compared with several thousand dollars for a big rig from Idaho. Last year his shipments to Wal-Mart grew 13%.

How about that huh? The evil Wal-Mart, the scourge of the Left, is saving people money by increasing effeciency and cutting costs. Wow, maybe the capitalist marker really does work. Who'da thunk it?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Maxine Waters Reveals the Liberals True Feelings

Our wonderful Congress spent part of last week grilling oil executives about why gas is so expensive. During their appearance on May 22nd in front of a committee of the House of Representatives, Big Liberal Maxine Waters (who is a big supporter of Obama) had this to say:

WATERS: And guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be all about socialize -- uh, uh, would be about basically taking over and the government running all of your companies.
(Click the Link for the Video)
How 'bout that huh? She just threw it out there. How is this not a serious issue in America today. A US Congresswoman openly threatening a company executive to lower their prices or face nationalization by the government! This is whats really behind the problem with the federal government and congress. They think that they can run everything, even though many of them have not had a productive job in their entire life.

Health Care too expensive? Don't worry, the government can run it for you with a program designed by Congress! What, your worried because we've never been run anything successfully, much less things involving doctors and surgery and everything else? Oh, don't worry. Gas skyrocketing? We'll take care of it. Nevermind that none of us would know how to get a single drop of oil out of the ground if our lives depended on it and we have NO idea how the world market for oil works. I mean the federal government is crazy if they think they can do all this. And they are trying to do soooo much more under the umbrella of climate change.

Maxine Waters should be ashamed of herself. Do we not believe in private property anymore in this country? Those oil companies have MILLIONS of shareholders, myself included, she's just going to take our property like that? Is her middle name Hugo Chavez?

This is what liberals want, CONTROL. The government should control everything in the liberals eyes. This is why conservatives have got to stick together and make our voices heard. Federalism and limited government have got to be restored in this country before its too late.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The NY Times Slimes the President on Memorial Day

Mr. Bush and the G.I. Bill

President Bush opposes a new G.I. Bill of Rights. He worries that if the traditional path to college for service members since World War II is improved and expanded for the post-9/11 generation, too many people will take it. He is wrong, but at least he is consistent. Having saddled the military with a botched, unwinnable war, having squandered soldiers’ lives and failed them in so many ways, the commander in chief now resists giving the troops a chance at better futures out of uniform. He does this on the ground that the bill is too generous and may discourage re-enlistment, further weakening the military he has done so much to break.

Now, having read that you might be ready to throw up. This editorial by the NY Times appeared yesterday, Memorial Day, trying to destroy President Bush for not supporting a new GI Bill. Well guess what boys and girls, the President DOES support a new GI Bill, just not this specific one.

This press release from the Admin clearly shows Pres. Bush does support a new GI Bill that address specific concerns veterans and the Defense Department have, namely that college benefits can be transfered to other family members from GI's who don't use them. So, in the New York Times eyes, that makes Pres. Bush anti-GI hating cretin. What a joke.

"The President specifically supports the GI Bill legislation expansion proposed by Senators Graham, Burr, and McCain because it allows for the transferability of education benefits and calibrates an increase in education benefits to time in the service."

This is whey people don't like the Times and why their readership is falling every year.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Someone... could get Assasinated...

Is it possible for the presidential candidates to help themselves at all? John McCain is running around trying to make everyone think he is a Democrat, all the while there are Republicans who are fighting very hard within themselves to justify voting for him. Hillary Clinton is fighting calls for her to drop out every single day, especially from the punks over at MSNBC, and yet she is incapable of helping herself as evidenced by this comment last Friday:

"My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. You know I just, I don't understand it," she said, dismissing the idea of abandoning the race."

Hillary, you've got to be kidding. Women all over the country are trying to carry your water and making arguments every day about why you should stay in the race and how you can still win. So you go and say THIS?! C'mon, sometimes Hill, you've got to let other people help you and stop sabotaging yourself.

Now, apparently she has said this before and it didn't warrant a whole lot of notice. But somebody, somewhere had to recognize that this would catch fire at some point. When campaigns go on and on forever like this, the media is always looking for a new angle. So of course they are going to pick up on something they may not have paid attention to before. You know, just like that whole Rev. Wright thing? That was out there for a long time, but it didn't catch fire until March.

The New York Daily News had this to say about Hillary's comments:
this incident has shown Americans, “an X-ray of a very dark soul.” Please. Hello, we're talking about Hillary Clinton here. You know, of Clinton Inc? These people have always been ruthless, all you main stream media types just didn't care about it back then because it was directed at conservatives and Republicans.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Last Boredom in Paris...

So, we rented Last Tango in Paris the other night starring Marlon Brando. I had heard of it, but really didn't know what it was about. So, it came in the mail and we noticed that it was... um hello... rated NC-17. So, that did interest me a little.... and scared me. I mean, its got Marlon Brando in it... and he's old, and its rated NC-17? Can this be good? It recieved an 81% rating on so it can't be bad, can it?

So we watched it. And it was easily one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It was boring, thats right, I said it, boring. It wasn't even sexy, it was just bizarre. Brando is not bad, but the movie is. Bad, bad, very very bad.

So please, if you ever are in desperate need of a movie to watch and your in Blockbuster and see this thing sitting on the shelf... just keep walking. Better yet... run. Just leave the store and don't come back until any urge you had of renting that movie is out of your system. Its that bad.

When will John McCain learn to shut his MOUTH?

John McCain wants to throw conservatives and Republicans under the bus again on immigration reform.

Twice in the not too distant past the United States Senate attempted a massive immigration "reform." We all know what the story was. Congress wanted to legalize the 20 to 25 million illegal immigrants that have come here since the 1980's. Congress was supposedly going to make them pay fines of $5,000 and make them travel back to their home countries and also prove they had been working here for a certain number of years. It was sooo complicated, we all knew what it meant. It meant they would all be granted legal status and that would be it. How could we possible enforce rules about returning to a home country and making them pay $5,000 when the Congress was at the same time saying that it was impossible to know who these people were, and also they were destitute.

So, the American people said no, twice. Two different times they tried to get this thing through, but the American people flooded Congress with calls and letters. They knew, they had been told all this stuff about "reform" twice before. In 1980's with a supposedly one time only amnesty and in the 1960's with a reform led by Ted Kennedy.

Both times it was pushed back recently it had been spear headed by John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee. He wasn't exactly kind to us during the debate. As always, he threw us under the bus by basically saying that we were mean, racist, and impractical. During the debates for the Republican nomination, he said he had seen the light and knew what the American people wanted. So, many of us have tried very hard to find a way to support him. We conservatives are having arguments within ourselves about how we can cross the aisle and support John McCain. His problem is he keeps opening his mouth, making him sound more and more everyday like a Democrat and that he hasn't learned his lesson at all.

Case in Point: his recent remarks on immigration. “By the way, I think the fence is least effective,” he told executives in Milwaukee, according to a recent Vanity Fair profile. “But I’ll build the goddamned fence if they want it.” And this at a recent event with Arnuld, "We need a temporary agriculture (worker) program." "But we must enact comprehensive immigration reform."

Mr. McCain, you've got to be kidding me. How many times do we have to do this? How many times is Congress going to bring this up only to have the American people stop you? They keep talking about how we can't do this piecemeal. Why not? Why can't we secure the borders first, making it so that there aren't 50,000 people crossing the border every month; and then deal with the ones that are here. If we deal with everyone here first, the reality is that will be such a massive undertaking that they won't ever secure the border and will have to go through this again in another 20 years. Just like in in the 60's, 80's and now 2008.

Secure the border and enforce current law, the rest will take care of itself.

Thanks to and for the information and quotes.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Change You Can Believe In.... my butt

Words from the next President of the United States:

Obama: "We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK."

Excuse me? This is the change we're supposed to believe in? This guy is the one we've been waiting for? This is America, the land of the free, you know, free to eat and drive and heat your own home. This all comes from the faulty idea that if I buy a steak, someone somewhere is starving because of it. No sir, somebody raised that animal specifically because they knew someone like me would buy it. If they didn't think I'd buy it, they wouldn't have raised it. I didn't take food out of anyones mouth. People aren't starving in South Africa or China because I eat plenty of chicken here in America. They are starving because their governments were/are corrupt and have been for decades and have not allowed their people the kind of freedom we have here in America. No sir, me heating my apartment here does not take heat from some poor couple in Russia. The power plant that heats my house has no affect on them and would not have been built unless they thought people like me would pay for the electricity. If some poor couple in Russia doesn't have any heat because they live in third world conditions or they are too poor to afford their electricity that is because of their over bearing government that tried to rule everything about their economy, just like obama, mccain and clinton want to do.

Just wait, they might couch all the crap in "getting even" with big corporations, but hold onto your wallets because "getting even" is going to cost all of us a ton of money. You'll notice he didn't even try to pretend like he was talking about Big Corporations, he was talking about you and me. This government has its eyes set on trying to control everything we do. Well, I say no. When the government controls everything and regulates everything to death, then who do we turn to? Our all powerful government will have already "saved" us from Big Corporations, but where will we turn to save us from the feds?