Monday, October 6, 2008

This is EXACTLY Why John McCain Will NOT Get My Vote, and NEVER Get Elected President...

Soooooo, what in the world is happening? Lets see if I can remember what we're doing. Bear Stearns crumbled and the government arranged some kind of sale for them. It wasn't a bailout exactly. The government helped to arrange a buyer. Then Lehman Brothers went under and the government chose to not bail them out. Fine. Banks making irresponsible loans without having enough capital shouldn't be bailed out. John McCain agreed with the decision to not bail them out. Fine.

Then AIG blows up and the government goes and bails them out. John McCain somehow agrees with them. Insane. Now the Federal Reserve comes up with this insane idea to spend 700 BILLION dollars to provide liquidity to the financial markets. I'm not even going to get started on that.

But John McCain has essentially made cutting spending a huge part of his campaign. He stood there in a debate with Obama and said he would veto every bill that came across his desk that had earmarks in it and said he would make them famous and we would know who was asking for these earmarks.

And then... John McCain goes and votes for a bill that started at 700 Billion dollars... and exited the Senate at $850 Billion. Hmmm.... that sounds like there's $150 Billion dollars worth of earmarks. There's tax breaks for Hollywood, theirs spending for the environment, and all kinds of crap in this thing. John McCain didn't say a WORD about it all. This is why conservatives don't trust him, this is why Republicans don't get fired up over him, and this why he will LOSE in November.

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