Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm Gonna Go Through This One More Time...

Let me go through some of Obama's policies and see if I can make sense of them and what the consequences for the country are going to be...

Obama's Tax Policy:
Obama wants to raise taxes on business that make $250,000 a year. Senator Obama claims that this is somehow a very small number of businesses. I don't want to spend a lot of time on that, but seriously, how can that be possible? Can anyone name me one place of business that they have ever been to in thier entire life that they think does NOT take in $250,000 in a year? How could a business even afford to put product on the shelves if its not taking in that much?

Okay, so he's gonna raise taxes on businesses. He's also going to raise taxes on individuals who make more than $200,000 in a year. What? You thought that was 250K too? Wrong, a recent ad I saw with Obama himself outlining his plan says 200K a year.

Some might say both of those group deserve to have thier taxes raised. Okay. Picture a doctor. He's worked and studied for much of his life to get where they are. He has his own office and a few employees. He works in New York City and makes 260K (obviously his practice takes in at least that much as well). So now, this doctor, who has never done anything to hurt you and is not responsible for your economic condition is going to get "dinged" twice by Obama. First his personal income is going to get hit, and then his business is going to get hit. Can no one see how this might cause him to struggle paying for his rent, school loans, medical insurance? Can no one see how taxing this "small" business might cause him to lay off his secretary or one of his nurses or whoever?

I guess not. I guess we're all too focused on hating "rich" people and worried about our potential $100 "rebate" check... as if $100 bucks is really going to make our lives that much better.

Obama wants to give 95% of Americans a tax "cut". Okay, first things first. The top 50% of wage earners pay 96% of the federal income taxes. So tell me, how is it really possible to give 95% of wage earners a tax cut? Answer, he's going to give us a "rebate" check from our Social Security payments. Hmmm... so he's going to bankrupt social security even more? Or maybe the rich people will just have to pay higher social security taxes too?

OH wait. I almost forgot. Obama wants to let the Bush tax cuts expire. I know, many of you think that those tax cuts were only for the super rich. Wrong. I remember when they first got them both my parents and many, many other people I knew got a tax cut too. So... basically, Obama and the Democrat Congress are going to let our taxes be raised. So much for our tax "rebate".

Obama's Health Care Plans:
As I understand it, for those of us who are paying for our healthcare, we get to just keep it. But for those people who aren't paying their own way... the Federal Government is just going to give them the same coverage that Congress gets. What? Why should I keep paying for mine then ifyour just going to start giving stuff away? How many trillions is that going to cose Senator Obama? Someone please, please explain to me how this is going to lower costs for anyone.

Obama, the Supreme Court, and extreme liberalism:
Here's a 2001 qoute about the Supreme Court: "If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movement and its litigation strategy in the court, I think where it succeeded was to invest formal rights in previously dispossessed peoples so that, uh, I would now have the right to vote, I would now be able to sit at the lunch counter and order and -- and as long as I could pay for it I'd be okay. But the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society."

What?! So Senator Obama, as President, wants the Supreme Court to venture into isues of redistributive wealth and economic justice? What?! Here's another qoute from Obama in 2001 on the same program: "that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. It says what the states can't do to you, says what the federal government can't do to you. But it doesn't say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf"

What the federal government "must" do on my behalf? What?! What are we even talking about. Hey maybe the federal government should be forced to buy all my food, clothes, and other essentials, pay for everything, find me a good job that I like and take care of my kids too. Maybe thats the future Obama wants.

Thats not America. Thats not even Mexico...

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