Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Is this the Apocalypse? Paris Hilton has a better enery plan than Nancy Pelosi?!

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Someone, please tell me if Doomsday arrived much earlier than I thought it would. How does Paris Hilton... or at least, whoever wrote this video for her (maybe it was her, I don't know) have a better energy policy than Nancy Pelosi, whose only energy policy is "NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

I'm sure the major media is going to somehow say Paris is slighting McCain. But I don't think so. Its just a fun video, much like I think McCain thought his was. Besides, the video mostly agrees with McCain's policies... and maybe Obama's NEW policies. But Pelosi's policies... those have GOT to GO.

I'm Patrick, and I approved this message, because its totally hot.

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