Monday, August 18, 2008

"Above My Pay Grade" Doesn't Cut it for the President of the United States, Obama.

So, our two main candidates for President got together in the same place, Rick Warren (he of The Purpose Driven Life fame) got them at his church to answer the same questions, but not at the same time. Obama went first, and this was his response to the question of when life begins and when a baby should get human rights...

"Whether you're looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity... is above my pay grade."

What?! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?! You know what that answer means to me? I'll tell you, when I hear that answer, this is what I hear in my brain, "Um... yea. I'm am an advocate of total abortion. All abortions all the time. But... I'm also terrified of this evangelical crowd and I don't want to get booed off the stage. So... I'm going to give a completely bull crap answer."

This is exactly what I hate about this campaign, these two candidates sometimes seem like they will say anything to get elected. But this is silly. We all know where you stand Mr. Obama. Your pro-abortion. So just say it. Say you don't think human rights come into affect until after the baby is born. Say whatever you want. But don't say that its "above your pay grade." Your running to be President of the United States, sir, you should be able to explain where you stand on issues and you should have the intestinal fortitude to tell us honestly.

1 comment:

Daniel Nichols said...

I did a live blog during this event. I couldn't believe it when Obama said it was above his paygrade. My first thought was well we won this round.