Tuesday, September 16, 2008

We gonna tax those evil rich to buy you a Toaster!

BIDEN: Our tax plan would take that tax cut of another $130 billion that John wants to give to people making over $250,000 next year, not let it go forward and give it to the middle class, the very people who desperately need it to stay in their homes, to buy food, to take care of the gas to fill up their tank, to be able to go out and buy a toaster, to unemployed people.

OOOOkay. So, Obama's plan is to tax "rich" people and "give" the money to the middle class so that they can buy a toaster. Riiiight. I have a better idea. Lets not increase taxes on anyone. People need money for gas? Why don't we try and get some sort of sane energy policy so that we can GET MORE ENERGY. People need money for food? Why don't we stop encouraging fuel companies to put ethanol in our gasoline which has caused the price of food to rise dramatically? Your just gonna give unemployed people money? Why don't we try to have some policies that will encourage economic growth so that those people will get jobs?

Doesn't that sound better than the Obama proposed all-encompassing plan of taxing the rich? That is their whole plan. People need health care? Tax the rich. People need houses? Tax the rich. Gas is too expensive? Tax Exxon (someone explain to me how thats going to lower gas prices?). People don't have jobs? Tax the rich and just give them some money.

1 comment:

Armaan said...

Here's an interesting tax calculator that compares estimated current taxation with taxation under the two proposed plans: alchemytoday.com/willobamaraisemytaxes.html . This calculator is provided by the highly respected, non-partisan Tax Policy Center: http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/index.cfm . If you play around with it a bit, it gives you a pretty good idea of exactly what we can expect to happen with our taxes.