Friday, July 25, 2008

Can this Man Speak English???

Good LORD! This is insane. The media, the Democrat Party, and the Obama campaign has held up this man, Obama as being one of the greatest speakers we've seen in recent American history. The man can give a good speech. The speeches don't really say anything, but they sound fine and he gets through them just fine.

But Obama can seemingly barely speak English when he is giving a press conference. This is silly. For all the bashing that President Bush has taken in the last 8 years regarding his speeches and his mannerisms during press conferences... Obama makes Bush look good.

I've tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. When I saw him barely being able to answer questions during debates in the primaries without stuttering over himself... I just assumed he was still getting use to the spotlight. But his stuttering and his "uhs" and his "ands" and his contradicting himself within a single answer continued throughout the primaries and has continued into the summer.

During a press conference on his European trip I saw him stutter and stutter and continue to stutter his way through a press conference. He complained when he was asked two part questions, he lectured the media on how they were to ask him questions; the whole thing was embarresing. Since when does the President get to lecture to the press how many parts are in a question they ask him. If Bush acted like that, the Press would laugh at him. But somehow with Obama, its OK.

Now I'm watching a press conference with Obama and the President of France, Sarkozy and he continues to stutter and "uh" and "and". He was asked a simple question about if he has learned anything or changed his mind about anything since being on this trip and he could barely put an answer together that I could have given for him. As soon as the question was asked, I in fact did answer for him. "NO" He hasn't learner anything, he hasn't changed his mind about anything. He still thinks he was right about being opposed to the surge, even though it worked. It took him forever to basically say what I said for him. NO, he hasn't changed his mind.

Obama is the New Messiah, why should he have to change his mind.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Obama "refines" his position on issues, then blames the media for calling him on it...

On Thursday, July 3rd Obama made a statement that in the future, after visiting Iraq and talking to the generals on the ground that he may "refine" his position in Iraq. Fine. I personally don't have a problem with that statement. Except to say that maybe he should go visit Iraq now since he never has and he's been destroying our efforts there for years. But I digress...

The Left Wing though; Iraq is THE issue. We have to get out NOW. That is what Obama has been running on. That was the primary difference between him and the other candidates. He never voted for it, he never supported it, and he advocated getting out immediately. Then he makes these comments about how his position may be refined. So, the media starts talking about it and people stop freaking out and Obama has to hold another press conference on the same day to clarify his remarks.

So, he reiterated his position of removing troops within sixteen months. But then he went out there and blamed the media for analyzing every single word he says. Excuse me sir, but you have thrown yourself out there to run for the Presidency. Everything the President says is analyzed. This is one gigantic job interview your in now and everything you say in an interview is heard and talked about seriously. You have held yourself out there as the greatest communicator in a generation, so don't blame the media for not letting you get away with clearly trying to change from a major position that you ran on.

The truth is Obama, we know that there's a better than even chance that you will NOT remove the troops that fast and you know it too. But, you are terrified of letting the cooky left figure that out because that is the primary thing you ran on. So why don't you show some back bone, stick to your lie, and not blame the media when they call you on altering your positions during this general election. They already let you get away with altering your position on gun control, NAFTA, and abortion. But they are NOT going to let you get away with moving on Iraq. Not until you get elected at least.